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有记者提问,美国总统特朗普8日接受采访时称,中国在疫情方面与我们相比做得很糟糕(\"China was doing lousy compared to us\"),并称中国施加了“诅咒”,造成了可怕的瘟疫( \"China put the curse on\", and the pandemic is \"a horrible scourge\")。中方有何评论?



I believe people all see clearly how China and the US dealt with the pandemic respectively.


During the recent vacation of the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinese people made almost 700 million domestic trips to visit families and friends and enjoy a safe and happy life. According to Alipay data, during this vacation, the volume of transaction by Alipay in China's department stores increased by nearly 250 percent compared with that of last month. According to China UnionPay, from October 1 to 7, the volume of transaction by China UnionPay reached 2.16 trillion yuan.


These indisputable facts prove that China has successfully put the virus under control. I noticed many foreign media reports on this, sayingsuch short-term massive mobility is unimaginable in many other places in the world, which shows the Chinese people's confidence in having contained the pandemic.


There's no magic in China's anti-epidemic response. We have the spirit of combating the COVID-19 epidemic, which featuresputting people's lives first, nationwide solidarity, heroic self-sacrifice, respecting science, and a sense of mission for humanity. The Chinese people believe that\"one should reflect upon oneself three times a day\". We can identify our problems and find ways to make improvement.


With the pandemic spreading in the world, there are still risks of occurrence of sporadic and cluster cases. Our governments at all levels are making epidemic prevention and control a routine so that the hard-won results will not be squandered.


In the meantime, we will continue advancing international cooperation, supporting the WHO's leading role in global response, sharing our experience with other countries, supporting and helping countries and regions with weak response capabilities, playing our role as the world's biggest supplier of anti-epidemic medical supplies, and fostering a global community of health for all.


As I said, China has officially joinedCOVAX. We will continue to work together with COVAX partners and contribute our share to the global fight against the pandemic to safeguard all human beings' safety and health.